I care most about good looking, excellently functional, usable design.
I don't tolerate living without fun.
I'm not the kind-of guy who gives up without a fight.
Nor am I the kind of designer who wears skinny jeans.
I AM someone who meets deadlines, helps out across divisions, takes a holistic view of projects,
thinks creatively, tries new things, and simplifies challenges.
Resume | Portfolio
Just My Skills
My two distinct skills sets (technical and creative), enable me to view projects holistically – from concept and campaign development, to recommending appropriate Below The Line (BTL) and Above The Line (ATL) channels for maximum reach, through to efficient and effective execution.
WebAward 2015 - Best Faith-based Website Crescent Lifestyle - Mobile App
Internet Advertising Competition (IAC) 2012 - Social Media Campaign Steers - Hoohah Campaign
24 Years Experience!
Starting in 1999 as an E-mail List Administrator, Secure e-Billing, E-mail Marketing and Website Administrator with Striata. Followed by 5 years with both Mead and McGrouther / TransUnion Auto Guide Books, and the mCubed Group as a full Digitial Contractor. Currently with NXT, a full service digital agency, as a Digital Creative Director.
Cubic Inc.
Freelance Creative
2024 - Current
Freelance Digital Creative, creative management. UI/UX lead
Noldor Tech
Head of Creative
2017 - 2024
Creative Direction, creative management. UI/UX lead
NXT\ Digital
Executive Creative Director
2016 - 2017
Creative Direction, big idea thinking & strategy, campaign creative management. Team development and creative direction
NXT\ Digital
Creative Director
2013 - 2016
Creative Direction, big idea thinking & strategy, campaign creative management. With plenty of development experience, I'm able to oversee and produce UX/UI interaction wireframes, layouts and designs.
NXT\ Digital
Senior Designer
2010 - 2013
Digital campaigns, Facebook campaigns, mobile device designs, website UX/UI, layout design and development, logos, print media and online media. Big focus on responsive layout and development.
mCubed Group
Creative Designer
2007 - 2010
Internal & external digital communication, website layout design and development, print text layout, print advert design, website development.
Creative Designer
2005 - 2010
Mead and McGrouther / TransUnion Auto Guide Books, Auto, Commercial, Motorcycle, Cars over Ten years & Agricultural pricing books. Internal comms, print layout and design, text layout, advert designed, web development and testing.
Graphic Designer
1999 - 2005
Email list administration, email and secure email statement design for the majority of South African financial institutions and the company's website design and administration. Including front-end web platform user interface development.
A variety of projects and services
My portfolio showcases a handful of projects from digital strategy to creative concepts, from wireframes and design to full development. Visit my pinterest portfolio to view more.
Carling Blue Label "#CrestCoin" "#ShareYourBoldness" Campaign
Tablet App, Responsive / Social Media: Strategy, Creative & Development
McCain Oven Chips "#NotSharing" Campaign
Website / Social Media: Strategy, Creative & Development
Huawei Mate 7 "#SayMyName"
Website / Social Media: Strategy, Creative & Development
Standard Bank - Self Service Banking
Micro-site, Responsive concept, to inform customers of digital banking platforms
Tile Africa
Website: Strategy, Creative and Development
TBWA\ South Africa
>Website: Wireframe, Creative, Custom CMS and Development
National Business Initiative
Website: Wireframe, Creative and Responsive Development
Sun International
Concept: Mobile App Wireframe and Design
Carling Blue Label #CrestCoin #ShareYourBoldness
Tablet App, Responsive / Social Media: Strategy, Creative & Development
Confident and dressed for success, the BOLD are those who know who they are, what they want and how they want it. They seek rewarding, enriching experiences.
McCain Oven Chips #NotSharing
Website / Social Media: Strategy, Creative & Development
Huawei Mate 7 #SayMyName
Website / Social Media: Strategy, Creative & Development
Overall, the #SayMyName campaign was a huge success, due to the high number of competition entries (9451) and the number of unique entries (5104), as well as exceeding expectations by increasing Huawei Device SA's Facebook fan base with 72 919 new fans.
Standard Bank - Self Service Banking
Micro-site, Responsive concept, to inform customers of digital banking platforms
Kale chips lomo biodiesel stumptown Godard Tumblr, mustache sriracha tattooed cray aute slow-carb placeat delectus. Letterpress asymmetrical fanny pack art party est pour-over skateboard anim quis, ullamco craft beer.
Tile Africa
Website: Strategy, Creative and Development
The new-look and improved website included a web and mobi site with an interactive gallery, a canvas tool, customer care interface (care deck- another proud innovation and product of NXT\) and social media integration such as Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter. The aim was to improve interaction between customers and online users giving them the same level of inspiration they experience when they visit Tile Africa’s stores.
TBWA\ South Africa
>Website: Wireframe, Creative, Custom CMS and Development
TBWA\Hunt Lascaris has 25 offices in Africa alone and is one of the most represented communication networks on the continent. The vision the TBWA\ organisation has been to build a network based on shared values of creativity and client. Our team at NXT\ designed, developed and hosted their new corporate website, presenting new functionality and navigation to showcase the work they had done in recent years.
National Business Initiative
Website: Wireframe, Creative and Responsive Development
The National Business Initiative (NBI) is a voluntary coalition of South African and multinational companies committed to working towards sustainable growth and development in South Africa and the shaping of a sustainable future through responsible business leadership and action.
Sun International
Concept: Mobile App Wireframe and Design
Client Listing
ABSA, Acer Computers SA, Airports South Africa (ACSA), Adams & Adams, Appletiser, Busby, Benvenuto, Coricraft, CityGroup, Crescent Life Style, Dettol, Enactus, Farnham, FlashBack Studios, First National Bank (FNB), Gautrain, KSB Pumps SA, MTN, GNC, HUAWEI, LABCAL Solutions, Liberty Life, Investec, Loreal, Maynards, Mead and McGrouther, Nedbank, Network BBDO, NeoTel, Noldor, Nurofen, Pnet, Reckitt Benckiser, Sasol, SmartLab, Southern Sun, Standard Bank, Steers, Sun International, Sunlyn, TBWA, the Zimbabwean, Tile Africa, TigerBrands, TransAct, TransUnion, Vanish, Veet, Vega College, Wesbank, Whitfields, Amiti, Four Degrees, Magallen, Shed Architecture + Design, John Marshall Media, CarMatch, Striata, Freshlyminced, Cubic Interactive, Evox, Weevr, CarBiz, Cake Delights, Southern Sun
Let's Keep In Touch
Simon J Gill
PO Box 766 Pinegowrie 2123,
Johannesburg, South Africa